At Bala Evangelical Church, we are a group of individuals from various backgrounds who want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our community. We would be delighted if you visited us (see Activities for details of our worship services). For more information about the church, please visit the relevant pages of the website.
To listen to audio recordings of preaching from previous services, you can find them on our Sermons page.
If you would like to view previous services (recorded during Covid restrictions), please head over to our YouTube channel

Jesus said ‘Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest’.
Matthew 11:28
What an invitation! Jesus Christ says ‘Come to me!’ However you feel… weary, on top of the world, overwhelmed, lonely, positive or just plodding on, the invitation is for us all. We all need Christ.
God created us to enjoy a relationship with Him. But we have not valued this relationship, and we’ve tried to do life our own way. Because of this, our sin has separated us from God – however hard we may may try to please Him.
But God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life and to die on the cross for our sins. Because Jesus gave his life for us, by faith in Him our sins are forgiven and we are received and welcomed into God’s family for eternity.